For 2016 my blog will be experimenting with Google Trends.
The goal of this Google Trends Experiment will be to see how much web traffic and AdSense revenue I can increase by leveraging the daily stories and trends happening in the world. To facilitate the trends I will rely solely on the data provided by Google Trends and rewrite these stories in my own words as brief news blurbs to my blogs’ new trends category.
While I will purposefully do little on my end to promote these news blurbs as I want to see what type of organic increase, if any, happens. I will refrain from trying to promote via social media, bookmarking and general SEM efforts for each post as that could skew my results.
My Google Trends Experiments
- What is the current unemployment rate for African American youth?
- Did the Affordable Care Act help more African Americans than any other group?
- Would lifting the cap on payroll taxes and expanding benefits extend the life of Social Security by 58 years?
- Donald Trump Calls Ted Cruz a Pussy
- Can Trumps Wall Protect the US from Drug Abuse?