The documentary “Weiner” premiered Sunday at the Sundance Film Festival and goes behind the scenes showing Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin processing the weight of his second scandal.
Filmmakers Elyse Steinberg and Josh Kriegman, Weiner’s former chief of staff, were given full access to Weiner and Abedin.
The film follows Weiner and Abedin throughout the scandal-scarred mayoral run, including the moments after the sexting scandal first emerged and when Weiner’s wife spoke at a press conference, showing support for her husband.
In the documentary we see Sydney Leathers, code-name “pineapple”, who later became an adult actress, trying to confront Weiner at his concession speech, forcing the shamed politician to run through a midtown McDonald’s to avoid her.
Leathers, contacted Monday about the documentary, said it was “hilarious” that the situation is the focus of a documentary.
“Looking forward to both laughing & being mortified by my behavior,” she wrote.
The movie “Weiner” will be in theaters May 2016.