Last month I was a speaker in a webinar on Cloud Computing, from Concept to Reality. For those that are not familiar, this opportunity presented itself when I took over web operations last year for Team San Jose where we moved the web hosting to an Amazon EC2 setup from a shared hosting platform.
The webinar was hosted by DMAI, Destination Marketing Association International, which is an organization where I sit on the Technology Committee. My work on the migration was looked at by DMAI as a potential case study for other DMO’s within the US and ultimately something they felt could be beneficial to look into.
I had initially been disappointed with the turnout; only nineteen attendees were listed, though I have been told that this is actually a substantially higher amount than most of the organization’s webinars. My initial thoughts here are that more needs to be done to promote the webinars if this is the case. That aside, both the Technology Committee and the user feedback was positive. Only one of the nineteen felt it could have been better.
While the webinar was focused around concepts, with my reality part a very short segment, I was glad to hear that DMAI is requesting we do a follow up webinar where we can go more in-depth with hands on, technical insight. Something I think is very important to understand when considering moving to or utilizing any cloud service.