I wake up at 7:30 am and I’m grouchy. I hate mornings. But I’m up because I have a conference call at 8:30am with the east coast. I head into work and place in my call. We chat for an hour about case studies, what info I need, who I need it from, when I need it by and when it will go live.
A marketing department email goes out from my boss shortly after and this is my queue that I’ll need to send out my Social Media email later today, after his has had time to digest with everyone. I prepare my email, make sure my attachments and links are working and save the draft so it’s ready to go later on.
I hit up our Twitter and Facebook pages, making sure we have something going on today in our city I can post about. I also notice we’ve had some replies to us and so I respond. Next I log into our webmaster email and clear out 119 spam messages that made it through our filter, as well as add several more emails to our blocked sender list.
It’s nearing noon and there is a lunch meeting on Stress. I attend and learn some fun facts on nutrition, breathing, exercise and stress management. There is a good chance I won’t implement any of these things in my daily life as I long for the sweet embrace of death, but I’d like to think that someday I’ll have the time to do these things.
Back at my desk and I finish stuffing my face from the food at the meeting as I send out my email. Within minutes I have three people sending me questions. Most of it is useful, of course there is one that asks a question that if they had read my email they’d know the answer, but they didn’t. Still, I reply nicely with the answer to their inquiry. I respond to the others as well and then I prepare the text for my follow up email I will send out tomorrow when I get in. I also email some department heads with whom I’ll be meeting with over the next couple weeks to do Q&A sessions with.
I decide I want to pretty this up, and so I have a layout I have worked on in InDesign that I’ll need to copy my Word file into. Note: we typically send each other PDF’s with our emails internally because our mailboxes are small and everyone has gotten into the habit of saving the PDF’s in their personal folders to review later.
I have three follow up items on my desk, software packages I’m supposed to look over and then talk about with our office manager and PR department for photo management. Fortunately I have been given a write up on each from our UI Designers, but I take a look at each company’s website and product page and see what type of reviews I can dig up. I look through them all and jot down some notes that I’ll refer to in the meeting.
Next I need an article, I heard on the radio coming in to work that Jay-Z would be in town next month and so I work up an article on Hip Hop Across the Bay and talk about the Hyphy subgenre of Hip Hop and list some of the Bay Area artists such as E-40 and Too Short. I pass it along to our office manager for review and then my wife is calling me asking where I am. It’s 7pm and she wants to know when I’m coming home. I tell her “I’ll be home, when I get home” and hang up. It’s rude, but she knows better than to call asking this question when there isn’t a meaningful reason to ask.
I end up going through my revisions from pervious articles, update them, file them where they belong and organize my notes for tomorrow’s meeting. I check in with my own email and social media outlets to see if there is anything I need to respond too. It’s now a little after 8pm and I’m heading home.