Breach’s Arcane Mender is one of the starting support classes and the base class for your meta healer with AOE heals, cleanse and shield.
In Breach, classes of the same school can swap any of the their non-primary (right mouse button) abilities. The Arcane Mender build below will require that you have leveled Elementalist to 8 and Chronomancer to at least 6; though really you may want to try and level all classes to 8 anyway.
Abilities for your Arcane Mender Healing Build
- Guardian Sprite (Arcane Mender) – Applies a Damage Shield to target ally or yourself for up to 1000 damage and increases Bonus Healing Received by 50% over 6s.
- Haste (Chronomancer) – Applies a 20% Haste, Bonus Damage, and Bonus Healing to target ally and yourself for 8s.
- Your third slot is your flavor choice and you have the following options that each excel based your class makeup and needs.
- Option 1 – Least useful in current game build – Purification cleanses and makes target ally or yourself immune to Ailment effects for 9s. Best for when you are going against Veil Demons that may cause a lot of damage over time or incapacitating abilities (ie: Poison, root/slow, etc)
- Option 2 – Heavily reliant on group positioning as they need to stay within shield to gain its benefits – Aqueous Globe summons a dome at target location which blocks incoming projectiles and increases Damage Resistance of allies inside by 20%. Lasts 20s.
- Option 3 – Best choice as it can be used while you are crowd controlled – Chronoleap leaps into the future, avoiding damage for up to 4s and cleansing Aliment effects.
- Option 4 – Any other ability is mediocre at best. Using the AOE Target Slow or Single Target Damage abilities may seem useful but its things that other classes do better and best if you focus on keeping yourself and the group alive rather than trying to be a hybrid with this setup.
- Elemental Quintessence (Elementalist) – Revives and heals all nearby allies for 650 health, plus 750 health over 6s. This is seriously the best heal in the game as it’s radius is HUGE and it revives any downed players, meaning you can revive and heal your entire party that has been slain by a Veil Demon.
The above will allow you to AoE with your main abilities AoE Heal and then use a AOE Heal/Revive for sticky situations. The Shield and Haste are nice for tanks and damage dealer folks. Personalliy, I really like the Globe, but I find folks don’t stand in my circle enough so I often opt for Temp Leap for survive ability or Purification.
Gear Choices for Arcane Mender
Any gear that has an option for reducing your cool downs is what you need to prioritize. While some abilities like invisible while reviving or downed, as well as, faster revives are useful, the majority of your gear should focus on making sure your Mending Wave and other abilities are available as much as possible.
Gems are Truly Outrageous!
There are a few options here that depend on your group setup, but ultimately the below are keys ones to consider.
The most critical gems are Haste (Vigilant) for your movement speed, ability cool downs and ultimate accrual (most you’re casting, more you’re building charge).
Bonus AOE Healing (Radial Sapphires) are ideal as these will boost both your primary Mending Wave ability as well as your ultimate Elemental Quintessence.
Prismatic gems are a bit underwhelming currently in their tradeoffs, however Mending Wave Healing and Hasted Haste are arguably the best choices currently. With your increased haste and gear reducing cool down times the increased charge time of Mending Wave should eventually balance out by the time you’re near the final boss room. The reduced damage from haste is negligible for most DPS classes.
Arcane Mender Ability Priorities
Hasted Haste needs to always be up. If the DPS is out of range, it’s fine to put it on the Specialist or Tank, but it always should be active on someone in your party.
Guardian Sprite should always be used on whoever is getting hit the hardest to help with your Mending Wave healing on them.
Note that while this is currently the Meta Build for Arcane Mender, The Highest Healing output you can pretty much get in the game, this is written during Early Access and class abilities and mechanics may change once the game launches in September.
Useful Links
- Breach Official Site
- Breach Arcane Wiki
- Play Breach Reddit