In the January 6 appearance on “The Wendy Williams Show,” the “Charmed” star tussled with TV personality Wendy Williams about their opposing views on breastfeeding in public.
Highlights from the Milano Williams Breastfeeding Conversation
“I was surprised by the reaction and I was surprised that I then was then put in this position of being a breastfeeding advocate — which I love, and I take that job with a lot of responsibility,” Milano, a mum of two, explained.
“But it was kind of shocking that [people] were so opinionated about something that’s supposed to be so incredibly natural.”
Williams then expressed her opinion on the matter.
“I don’t need to see that — I just don’t want to,” Williams said. “I would go to the car [to breastfeed], not on the bench in the front of the big-box store.”
Which side are you on? Would you “whip them out” to support breastfeeding in public?
(The breastfeeding debate starts at the 3:49 mark within the video)