Recently my work load has been increasing exponentially, as some may have noticed from a /. Submission last month, and one would think that with the recent launch of the new site I’d have my focus back out among the crowds in our fair city pimping all things San Jose. Unfortunately, this hasn’t been much of a viable option yet.
One of our hosting providers went down for a day with no notification or follow up with us and needless to say I am now in charge of migrating the affected sites away from this cluster fuck of a company and to a new provider.
But even this must be put on hold as all next week I’ll be attending the DMAI conference in Florida.
Of course on the tech side of things I’ve been trying to keep abreast of recent developments like the latest Google and Blackberry apps and Apple’s new iPhone slogan of “there’s a case for that”, though I hope to have more insight that I can comment on soon.